15 May 2012

Hoe maak Oupa dan?

Dis nou mos 'n vraag om te stel nê?

Hoe maak Oupa dan; as Ouma en Oupa dan hoor kleinseun is heel moontlik een uit net 'n duisend in onse mooie land - een uit 'n duisend kinders in die hele mooie Suidafrika, wat 'n rare siekte het... 'n siekte wat mens sukkel om reg uitspraak voor te gee, wat nog om te verstaan!

Dis nou dié ding wat ek en vroutjie moes hoor van ons nuwe klein bondeltjie in onse lewens.
Steve en Jos het ons meegedeel dat Seth (kleinseun), hoewel nog skaars 6 maande oud, 'n goeie moontlikheid het dat hy Pompe siekte het. Nee... pompe soos in water óf diesel pompe nie... maar wel soos in "pompey" - dis hoe mens hom uitspreek. Ek sal dit maar so skryf sodat dit darem makliker leesbaar is - Pompé

Nou wat is dit dié, en wat beteken dit?
Toemaar; dis net die opervlakkige vrae wat begin ontstaan het. Ons het naderhand soveel vrae lat ons skoon vergeet van party van hulle.

Pompé is 'n siekte wat veral (óf dalk moet ek sê meestal) in klein kinders, jonges, van 'n paar maande oud, voorkom. Dit gebeur so min dat daar letterlik net so om en by duisend gevalle in SA is. Die tekens is veelvoudig, en kan aanduidings wees van ander dinge ook, maar as hulle saam in plek val, dan dui dit op Pompé. En die ergste van als... Pompé is lewensgevaarlik... tot so 'n mate dat daar nie 'n teëmiddel / oplossing daarvoor is nie. Die kleindingetjies sterf gewoonlik voor hulle 2 jaar oud raak!

Dus my vraag... "Hoe maak Oupa dan?"

Oupa is mos veronderstel om die sterke te wees... die familie kyk op na Oupa... veral as Oupa ook nog op 'n stadium 'n ouderling, dejaken óf prediker was! En dié was ek mos.

Seth John Oosthuizen
Nou toe.. wat sê julle?

Ek sal julle sê wat Oupa gemaak het.
Oupa en Ouma het gebid.. teruggekeer Pappa Vader toe. En ook vir ma en pa aangemoedig om só te maak.
Oupa se hart was vrek seer... kon nie eens dié met Ouma deel nie. Het gesukkel daarmee... oor die hele ding van "Hoe is ek veronderstel om nou op te tree terwyl my hart skeur?" Maar terselfdertyd het ek myself die vraag gevra, "Hoe voel Steve en Jos nie?"
Aai tog Pappa... hoekom? Daai vraag wat U so goed ken... soveel male al gehoor het, van hoeveel miljoene mense?

Maar tog in dié situasie is die Here se Woord altyd trou. Hy sê mos ons kry krag as ons ander ondersteun en opbeur. En dis toe net so. Ek't bemoediging ingepraat, in Seth se ore in, in Jos se ore in en in Steve s'n. Tyd gemaak om met hulle te gesels. Tyd gemaak om met Ouma saam te bid - sy's 'n liewe mens! 'n Gawe van Pappa af!
En ons saam het ook nog uitgevind oor dié ding wat dié liefdevolle kklein mensie aantas. Selfs Nadine het in diepte ondersoek ingestel - sommer die siekte as een van haar studietake aangeneem - en nog dié as 'n voorstelling aan haar klasmaats opgedoen.
So het ons almal meer geleer. So het ons ook mekaar onderskraag deur Seth se menige toetse en doktorsbesoeke.

En so het dit ook gebeur dat Ouma; terwyl sy inkopies gedoen het; op 'n speelstel afgekom het... vir 3 jariges en op... en deur bepeinsing en gebed, en glo ... die speelstel toe gekoop. Sy't geglo Pappa sal Seth vir ons gee nog verby 3 jaar oud!
En toe ek na werk by die huis aankom.. en ek sien die stel, en ek hoor haar storie... toe wat maak Oupa dan?

Oupa glo mos ook in Pappa Vader se enorme liefde en krag, en die feit dat Hy tot enigiets in staat is - veral vir sy kinders! Toe glo Oupa ook... net soos Ouma!

En vandag toe kry ons die nuutste toets uitslae...

Daar's g'n teken van Pompé in Seth se bloedmonsters nie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hoe maak Oupa dan?
Oupa buk laag voor 'n Almagtige God in diepe dankbaarheid.

Só maak Oupa.

29 March 2012

Life sucks! Or does it?

Life is hard, life is filled with difficulty. This, I'm sure, is a sentiment which many, if not most of mankind share. There are very few people who can honestly say that their lives are plain sailing. No-one is exempt from life - although many of us would dearly love to be able to step out for a moment's rest (if not longer). Not only life, but also the people who make up part thereof, adds twists, turns, shakes and chaffes to the art of living. Some do so gently, some viciously. Some, after some time and thought, we can take lessons from... and then move on. Others however, leave deep indellible stains, even scars. Yet, all add to our lives in some way. The great task that each of us have is to take this multitude of information, happenings, feelings, emotions and whatever else we may call them; and we must through the strength and wisdom which God grants us, sift them, thresh them, waft them in His wind, and glean from them that which He wants us to retain. Quite a task! Especially when-

16 February 2012

Back in the classroom!

Ahh, here we go again. Back into the classroom... for a day. It's time to renew the old forklift license, which expired this month. So, let's sit back.. nope can't do that! There's pages of documents to fill in! Signatures, and written tests, and more signatures! Is this going to be a long day? Let's see... Oh well!

29 December 2011

This is part of Family - our Family

Just felt that maybe I need to introduce you folks to a few bits about our family.
We're a bit strange in certain aspects - or so we think... and even our animals have been proven to be a bit strange.

But that's all ok... because we enjoy it that way.

Here's a pic of Sandy & I... just fooling around in front of the camera.

Then I felt that I just had to show you 2 pics of our cat. Her name is Pebbles. Her sister (Angel) died in 2010. Angel was always the cuddly, homely one. Pebbles was always 'out there somewhere', exploring things & places.
Ever since Angel left us Pebbles moved into the home on a more permanent basis... seemed to be looking for the closeness she'd shared with her sister from us now. She took to our daughter's bunny (Mumbles), and the two of them regularly visited across the cage mesh, and occasionally at close quarters as can be seen in the attached pic. Pebbles also loves to cuddle - even when I'm trying to work on the laptop. I suppose one could say of her that she thinks "This is my lap... it's warm... and filled with lovies."

Note where the laptop's mouse is!

Not so's Pebbles doesn't eat it... but just so I can use it.

I never was a cat-person. But Angel n Pebbles are ... 'different'. Love them to bits!
They were both supposed to be wife n daughter's cats, but somehow they decided that I make a good place to rest n snuggle.

27 December 2011


Yeah I know... Long Time No See or Hear!

It's been looong since I made the decision to sell Landy.
And then came the whole business of advertising... and advertising... and doing some more ads.

And the thoughts came about, "Am I going to get Landy sold?" ; "Do people want to buy an old Land Rover like this?"

But... thanks be to our Lord, the interest began to show. And slowly I had people (of all shapes, sizes and descriptions) come to check out her credentials... check how she ran, and all those things that one does when you're wanting to buy something, but also want to make sure this guy's not selling you the proverbial "lemon".

One of the things I'd asked the Lord - as far as buyers were concerned - (Yip, even sellers pray about the goods they want to flog!) - was that He'd send someone who would have the right heart for her. You know; someone who would take good care of her.
And so it was that that someone arrived. He took her for a test drive - with me along for good measure... because he wanted to go show her to his wife. And he fell in love with Landy... or at least it seemed they did.
And as things would have it be, the business side of things took place... very quickly I must add.

And so Landy moved home - drove of into the sunset.
{Ja, the new buyer & I had some unpleasantness happen between us, but that's not going to get discussed.  Life moves on, and I truly hope & pray he's happy with her.}

And so a 4 and a half year era in my life... actually my family's life too... came to an end.

13 August 2011

It's been decided!

And so it came about that the decision was made.

I struggled with Landy... getting very near my wit's end (and becoming very m----ig) because Landy had once again decided not to start, and no matter where I looked I couldn't find the fault!
Problem was - I did not feel up to stripping carbs or other parts to look for a fault which I was very sure wasn't there!

And so I made up my mind...
"No more working on a vehicle which I had to repair every time I wanted to drive it." Just like so many people had told me - that "a Land Rover breaks while it stands".
I just decided that I need to have a vehicle which I can get into / onto, start it and go.

After dumping all work on Landy... emptying out a whole lot of "long unused" items from the garage, and getting some tips from all my loved ones and friends around me... I went to the task of opening the float bowls of the carbs. And Lo-and-behold... I found that the carbs were suffering from an old problem - lack of fuel!

This just strengthened my resolve to not want to struggle any more than was absolutely necessary with any vehicle.

Time for a change... change from Landy... change from the Gomoto bike... to something "NICER"... 

22 July 2011

To sell or not to sell?

And now the question and the dilemma... Do I sell Landy or not? Wifey has now tasted off-road, good dirt roads and discovering new scenes. So, shall we sell Landy and buy a newer double-cab 4x4, so we can go searching and adventuring more often? Not a bad idea; especially seeing as this will also provide for easier long distance mission trips. LORD guide and provide to Your glory please!