12 November 2010

Pure Christians

A question seeps into my thoughts... "Pure Christians... Are there any such people?" What is the Lord seeing at this point in His Church? Does He, who sees the heart of man, see any purity in His followers? How many of us, professing to follow Him actually walk with Him... In the ways which He laid out for us? Or, how many are saying and living along 2 vastly different paths? Too many I fear! Am I, are you?

07 November 2010

Progress at last!

At long last I got to putting in some decent time into working on Landy. I actually finished sorting out the wiring - or shall I rather say the lighting - for the second? time. Even got to refitting the transmission tunnel. Sealed it an all. Man it's looking great! Now I still have door seals to fit, rear section headliner to refit, and then the carpeting and door trim panels. It's getting VERY close to completion. And how I'm looking forward to that!

11 July 2010

Just a Closer Walk with Thee...

This line comes from an age old song, one which seems to have disappeared into the far, far background of time.

I say so, because I see - as I have seen in my life - that the world around us wants to get, and keep us so busy, that we don't desire a "closer walk" with our Creator.

Having just completed the "official" part of an outreach, it was good to be able to experience God's goodness and His desire for a closer walk with us - His creation.

Watching people enjoy dancing together to the tune of praise & worship songs was invigorating.

Life is not worthwhile becasue of what we have, or who we are... It's worthwhile because of Who we walk it with.

05 July 2010

When Time is Not...

Time is intangible, yet we can waste it, save it and enjoy it. Funny though, is also the fact that it disappears when we aren't watching or taking note. And worst of all... It can never be found!

14 May 2010

How memories affect us!

I saw and felt again today how an experience we've had some time in the past can affect the way we behave in the present. And what an effect - just because, somewhere back there, in the depths of our sub-conciousness, there lies something which had a profound effect on us. In my case it was my accident on the Test Track. As I tried to push a car hard into the track's small, tight, banked corner, something deep within was trying its utmost to tell me this is NOT a good idea. Didn't matter that I knew deep inside me that it'd be safe - not only because I ought to be able handle what could happen, and because I basically had permission to damage the car if necessary... But especially because I had asked the Lord to protect me! Classic case of the brain wanting to override the heart.

26 April 2010

Growing old is for Tough people

Getting to spend some time with my folks for the first time in a long while, I get to experience how amazing the pinacle of God's creation can be. My folks are growing old, gracefully together, and as loving as I ever wished them to be when I was much shrter than now. Pappy's body has deteriorated substantialy, making life a constant struggle. Yet he does not spend his days complaining. And neither does Mommy complain about having to help him with so many taken-for-granted-by-us-fit-n-healthy-ones things. Growing old takes hard work and dedication, with a good measure of love mixed in. Thank you Lord for their example!

11 April 2010

Kids - take care...

Having children, raising them in as God-fearing a manner as one deems necessary (or is able), and preparing them for their own flight out in the wide world, does not necessarily mean that you can come to the point where you no longer have to care for them! I spent the last few days of last week, late into the night, helping my son to get his ailing auto operational again. Tonight I again got a call-out, this time from my daughter when her "Tjorrie" decided it no longer had need of its alternator belt. Thankfully, a spare belt, just long enough, had been lazing around in the peaceful mess in my garage. A dash through the night-lit streets, hazards flashing madly, I arrived where she sat calmly awaiting the arrival of her 'Pappy'. A few minutes work, and she was ready to go again - with Mom n Dad much relieved.

28 March 2010

Progress is Good!

Well, I'm chuffed that I (actually we - myself and those who helped me), made some lekker progress on Landy. All the insulation in the roof has been rwfitted, and the middle section of the headliner has been preliminarily refitted. It feels good the see the changes... the progress! If this is kept up it definitely won't be long before it's all done. And am I ever looking forward to that!

22 March 2010

Mission planning moves on

Wow! At last our planning for this year's outreach work has made a leap forward. Just when I started really feeling that we were stagnating, I got a phone call from the Uitenhage co-ordinator. He has an area where he needs a team to busy themselves during the Soccer World Cup. This is great! The Team has not really been getting any real direction as yet for this year. We know we've work to do in the surroundings, but it's been slow going to get the specifics put together. Pierre has asked that we work in an area known as Bloza - close to Rocklands. Now for the planning... And all that goes along with that. The 3 Team members who could make it to the sudden meeting tonight were excited about what lay ahead. Lead on LORD! It's Your work, and we're glad we can be a part of it.

Headliner progress

As can be seen, the centre section is already fitted (to the right of the pic). I have a broom holding a piece of board against the first section of the rear liner - obstinate thing needed some encouragement! Just ran out of glue, so work has had to be suspended.

News at last!

I just had to post something, seeing as it's been months since my last post. So I thought I'd just give some news on Landy's progress. Right now I'm busy putting the headliner in again. Quite a job! Messy too. Especially since I'm putting the old one and its sound deadner in. Slow going, but I've found a way for it to work a little easier. I'll put some pics on the blog soon.