15 March 2009

Things to do

I've been reading my buddy's blog - great fun, and great learning too!

He reminded me of how busy one can get, without sometimes getting to the tings which need to be done.
I'm a busy guy! Sometimes I'm so busy that I don't have time for myself - time for everyone and everything else - but for myself ...? Which reminds me, I have to...

Hold that thought!

That's exactly how it goes. My mind's so busy with so much, that I have to somehow get some order in that lot. I like keeping busy - it keeps me out of trouble!

It's this sort of thing that keeps me from blogging more often. Just get busy with this, then got to do that, then at the sametime that other crops up. D... it's frustrating!

Anyways... got some mails that haveto go out today still, then it's off to friends for coffee and a swim, then ... who knows?

Chat later again!

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