16 September 2009

When the Family moves on...

It's amazing how you can see how life moves into new phases just by watching what's happening within your family.

I took my spice (my spouse / wife) away for a weekend recently. Had a great time!
Over this weekend our children moved on to new things in their lives. Our daughter got her driver's license, and our son got engaged! Wow!

This just helped again to realize how they're growing up, but also served as another reason to bring praise and honour to God Almighty. He's helped us to raise them, and He's helped them in these decisions and trials which are part of their lives. We both are so proud of them - and so thankful to God.

I suppose what some people may (and probably do) see as the flip side of these happenings, is that we are getting old, and that the kids don't need us any more. My take on this is that I can praise God that we seem to have done a fairly good job of raising them. I mean... they are able to stand on their own feet... to make decisions, and do things which we can be proud of, whilst we aren't around. Some may think "So what's the big deal?". I say that it is a big deal, especially within today's society.

So. In any case... think what you want... I'm still proud of my kids, and I'm still thankful to a mighty, wonderful God.

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