Speaking from a foot's perspective, while attached to the bottom end of a human being's lower extremity, being taken out to enjoy some fresh, healthy air - notably on a gadget endowed with at least one, but usually two, and sometimes three circular, rubber-cloth draped forms - this is about the sum total of what is experienced!
Cycling is enjoyable! I have always (or at least 90% of the time), enjoyed cycling. It's good, healthy exercise. And although I have always considered it a sport wherein there is generally not much conversation going on between the members, I have been proven thoroughly wrong. I have been trying to get into some serious exercise on my bike for a number of years now, but mostly riding alone. Never found anyone who would get up at 04h30 to go out at 05h00, even on chilly mornings. Maybe I'm nuts, but it just so nice & peaceful, and there's so few cars about at that time too!
Fact of the matter is, there are some people out there who don't seem to mind me being a little... weird... shall we say? It's just so great to go out as a group. Not only could I find out how much some people have to say while riding, but I can also get the same distance covered, at very much the same average speed, but with less awareness of how hard we're pushing ourselves.
Just goes to show that doing things with friends is better than doing them alone.
Watch how much LESS we have to say when we crank the average speed up a notch or two...
Rev Verbal Diarrhoea
Hey Boet.
Must say , I enjoy the cycling very much. and who knows , maybe one day I will actually not feel like I am going to die , while doing it.
Things are always best done with friends. God never made us to be alone . Even God Himself is in community / communion with Himself as the Trinity.
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