Life is hard, life is filled with difficulty. This, I'm sure, is a sentiment which many, if not most of mankind share. There are very few people who can honestly say that their lives are plain sailing. No-one is exempt from life - although many of us would dearly love to be able to step out for a moment's rest (if not longer). Not only life, but also the people who make up part thereof, adds twists, turns, shakes and chaffes to the art of living. Some do so gently, some viciously. Some, after some time and thought, we can take lessons from... and then move on. Others however, leave deep indellible stains, even scars. Yet, all add to our lives in some way. The great task that each of us have is to take this multitude of information, happenings, feelings, emotions and whatever else we may call them; and we must through the strength and wisdom which God grants us, sift them, thresh them, waft them in His wind, and glean from them that which He wants us to retain. Quite a task! Especially when-