A couple of days ago... about a week and a half after Landy became legal... We, (Landy & I... with Boetie Hanno tagging along), went out for a stroll together.
Landy was desperately wanting to try out his legs... just to see if they still worked. Especially seeing as it had been... how many years?
Four years of refurbishment + something years of standing at his previous home before I bought him = let's call it 6 years.
And so we looked up 'Jachtvlakte' just outside Uitenhage.
The ideal place for a Landrover - or any 4X4 for that matter - to stretch its legs.
Satisfied? Disappointed? Overjoyed?
Ja, sommer some of everything!
Diff-lock would've been nice on some spots, but hey! Landy did himself proud.
Landy was muddy, McGyver had fun! What more can one ask for.
Ask Hanno.
Thanks to Hanno for the pic's! (Visit www.perfectpic.co.za to see more of his work)
Great job Boet!