I tried to keep a daily journal whilst on outreach in Mozambique during June/July.
For those who would like to read through such a journal, I've included it below.
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Fri 26th - after work.
Continued packing at home - mainly own stuff. 1st, overnight bag for 2 nights. Things changed suddenly, resulting in Al & I having to sleep over in Maputo.
Finished that, then finished remainder of my packing - after having supper with the family. Bought KFC.
Went to Neil's to start packing vehicles.
What a process! So much to be packed in.
Got it right, but had to leave 5 bags of clothes etc. Shame... but shall use it elsewhere - even if it has to go to Zim with Marius.
Departed just after midnight.
Sat 27th
On way after filling up in Uth.
Made very good time. Got to Kei, had breakfast, with devotions, and on road again by 05h30!
Great trip, very good running from vehicles, and very good fuel consumption.
Stopped over at my folks'.....
Got to Hluhluwe. Guys all showered and in bed by 20h38. All tired.
Want to get going early tomorrow.
Collected Nelson today too, at Pavillion in Durban. Great to see him again - everyone excited, including himself.
Now only myself and Nelson still awake. Me writing, he learning?- busy in books.
I'm waiting for Walmer to arrive, 'cause they've still to give us the money for the Bibles. I think I hear their vehicles arriving!
One of theirs had to stay behind in EL due to problems.
Shall see how they're going to work this.
Sun 28th
Slept very well at Hluhluwe. Enjoyed an interesting devotional time.
Left around an hour later than planned for the border, but not too concerned, as the time was well used during devotions.
Very pleasant trip to Manguze. Filled vehicles, as well as ourselves, and got under way for final couple of kms for border post.
What a pleasant experience at the post. Got through very quickly, with virtually no questions being asked. Seems the costs for crossing have gone down. Also a boon, as this leaves funds for other things.
Deflated Steven's bakkie's tyres to make the trip through the sand easier.
Had a lekker time in the sand. Twice got "stuck", but not once did we need to take out a spade. Team bonding nicely!
Arrived at Salamanga to find an empty house. Found the Evangelist's kids, then went in to town. Found the evangelist there, only to discover that he was aware that we were coming, but had no idea what date! Made a team decision to continue on through to Maputo to tie up with Afonso.
Picked up Afonso, only to find out that his wife is sick with malaria. Spent time there, and prayed over her. We're trusting God to heal her.
Proceeded to the Mathe's Church/manse at Quartel. We were received with open arms. They cleared a room to provide us space to sleep. When I asked Henrique if we could set up our tents in his yard, he replied "no!". He said, "Our house is big enough, you can sleep in the house."
Mon 29th
Planned meeting with Bishop to further discuss our work plans.
Film show - to show "Faith like potatoes" at Eliote Mabone. On way discovered strange, disturbing noises coming from Marius' vehicle. Discovered that the rear axle was shifting. Drove back to Quartel very carefully after film.
Film not very successful - at least in our eyes - as the people were talking and joking all the way thru, with the numbers dwindling drastically as the film went on.
Martin discovered that he'd somehow lost his hip bag, which contained his passport, driver's license, ID, bank cards and money. Allan, Chris & I searched the area thoroughly, but came up with nothing. Martin went to bed very dejected. We prayed, and I believed that God could do great things even in such a situation.
Tues 30th
Repair work started on bakkie by Allan.
Steven, Henrique & I went to Bishop's office. Met up with Walmer guys (Bennett & Kelly), who had already had an hour's meeting with the Bishop. They'd discussed the "missing funds" with him, and had given him all the available info. He promised to investigate and feed back.
Meeting went well, and Bishop agreed to us spending 1st week in Maputo with Henrique. 2nd week to be spent based in Salamanga, working with Rev Juvencio Chongo. Juvencio agreed.
We'll thus move back to Salamanga on Saturday morning.
On the way we'll go around to Catembe to speak with Juvencio.
Spent part of the afternoon working further on Marius' bakkie.
Showed the Jesus film at Magoanine. Went back to handling the film in the "old" manner - stopped the film 3 times, basically where the reel changes would have taken place. Marius & Martin did talks, with Nelson translating.
At the end of the film, Marius counted 20 hands for those who had prayed the prayer of 1st time or recommittment to the Lord.
We prayed for the people for healing. I got in the way, taking over (without meaning to - or realising it), and so upset Marius. I apologised later when he & I spoke. I'm so glad he's honest with me. Thank you Father.
I had the privelege to lead 3 people in dedicating their lives to the Lord, 2 of them young boys, one a lady in her (est) 20's.
Wed 1st
The day started late, with me not getting up as early as I'd prefered - but that's what happens when you don't set an alarm!
Had a shower/bath, then wanted to dive straight into working on Marius' bakkie. BUT... Kristina had already made breakfast.
Got to the bakkie after breakfast - along with Allan, Chris & Marius. The others went to town to sort out spares as well as getting Martin's passport situation sorted out.
Found that the Diff-lock's diaphragm had a hole in, and that parts of it were corroded. No wonder it didn't work.
Couldn't get the guys to go get the parts, 'cause Maputo goes on lunch between 12h30 & 14h30! So we had lunch, & spoke some. Some of the guys had a nap.
Repaired some wiring in the manse, then sent both Hanno & Sandy sms's.
Allan & I took Afonso & his wife to the doc again. As we were leaving, the others arrived back, with the wonderful news that the spares had been acquired.
We came out Mavota to show the Jesus film. Started off vey few people, but Allan has just let me know that we have around 40 people spread around watching. It's your film, your message Father, have your way. Be glorified, whichever way you prefer.
Thank you Father for the miracle of healing you used tonight to bring glory to your name. (deaf lady prayed for, and thereafter heard)
Thurs 2nd
Teaching to Women's Manyano at Quartel...Steven...
{was this the day that Steven & I ministered to the kiddies and their teachers at the Creche? This is what happens when you don't make notes while it's still fresh in the mind?
The time of ministry to the little ones was great. We had fun, they had fun, and the teachers genuinely seemed to enjoy themselves too. They thanked us profusely afterward. We had used baloons, and the colours on them to talk to the littles ones about Jesus' love for them. Ended up blowing up 3 and a half packets of baloons to dish out at least one baloon per child. I say at least one, because, as is the nature of baloons, they tend to burst before you've finished with them all.
Thank you Abba Father that we - as "old" men can minister even here.}
Film show at Mahlanguene...
Fri 3rd
Leadership group at Quartel...Marius... I did not get detail as to how it went, but Marius seemed happy.
Leadership group at Marracuene...Marius. Gave them the teaching on the 4 pillars of the church. Was well received. We also handed over Bibles and seed. A challenge had been made by Marius to the Church to grow, and they took it up and said we must come back next year to see how much they've grown.
Film show at Marracuene. Passion of the Christ.
Quite a bit of ministry afterwards. The leader of the society even came forward and admitted to needing help with some problems in his life. Henrique was able to spend some time with him, and to begin planning spending the time with him which he needs. We prayed with him & his wife.
Sat 4th
Return to Salamanga...
Left Mathe's early, after getting up at 04h30. Realised cannot get everything we need to take into only 2 vehicles and trailer (even though we removed the trailer's dish-rack, stove and other brackets. Would thus have to have one vehicle return to Maputo for remainder of items once off-loaded in Salamanga.
Moved down to ferry, only to be pulled over by cops about 2km short of ferry. Alan wasn't wearing his seatbelt! They initially wanted to charge us for both him and me without belts, but quickly accepted that I had been wearing mine. Wanted to charge him MT600 for offence. When I requested receipt then said we'd have to go to station to do that. Began asking how much we had on us we replied definitely not MT600. I eventually told him I had maybe MT200 on me. He asked me to show him; upon which I opened my wallet & produced MT240 as discreetly yet carelessly as I could. He took it from my hand and said that they would let us off with that.
We proceeded, and just as we got to the ferry I told Al he'd have to make a U-turn somewhere further down the road. He turned into a roadway which is marked for government vehicles only - and ended up being pulled off by the next batch of cops! They wanted to take him to the station straight away. He had a bit of an argument with one over his license - he wouldn't let go of it! I don't blame him. They eventually ducked after they got MT420 from him. A MT680 (approx R200) mistake morning!
Prayer and devotions held on wall alongside ferry ramp. Nelson took devotions.
Ferry trip went well, without hitches. Drizzle settled in as we were getting ready to board, so everyone stayed in the cars.
Drove straight up to Catembe - to meet Rev Juvencio Chongo & WMC crowd. Caught them having breakfast.
I had my meeting with Juvencio - very fruitful. He requested that we please take a close look at the churches we visit, re the state of the buildings - and see if we can make a project of assisting with repairs etc.
Had coffee & egg on toast with WMC - with plenty garlic! Felt somewhat better.
Got under way. Road in fairly good condition - made travel easier and quicker.
We got some feedback from Afonso. His wife is getting much better, and he's on his way to meet up with Theunis and their group.
Thank you Father for healing her.
While we waited for Al & Tupperware to return from Maputo I took a long needed nap. Marius & Neil covered me with a blanket & let me sleep. Thanks guys! Neil even got some tablet out for me - no idea what it was. Slept about 4 hours. Felt much better after that, but decided not to go out the evening. Stayed in & prepared supper for team for when they returned.
Team went to see Thomas MabiCa church (Salamanga main society). Also showed Passion on soccer field in Salamanga.
Sun 5th
Attended Sunday service at Thomas MabiCa. Check photos to see condition of building! Really needs urgent attention! Could collapse any moment. Lovely service - Tupperware preached). 18 people responded to altar call.
Service lasted from 09h30 till around 12h30.
Went to Mfuti. Check GPS for distance. First time there that I remember.
Showed Indescribable and Passion. What a night - Nelson was worn out - maybe even shell-shocked. The combination of films had an immense effect on him. God - so absolutely enormous - and yet came to give himself for us, through such suffering! Struggled to handle / comprehend it.
Check detail on sms sent to Sandy tonight. Gonna sleep now - 12h50!
Thank you Father for a wonderful day!
Mon 6th
Al, Nelson & I going to Zitundo with Samuel (evangelist).
We met with the local leaders (8), and gave them a teaching. I used Marius' "4 Pillars of the church". They really took it in, and thanked us for bringing it to them.
They then gave us lunch - sitting on Zitundo's high ground overlooking the lake. Make's one feel you're on holiday!
We then went to the local primary school, and asked that they show us how they go about teaching the kids. After the teacher had taught them a couple of minutes I addressed the kids especially, to tell them how important it is to learn hard at school, and to encourage the teachers.
"Os animais domesticos (domestic animals)... check the pics taken for the words... Which I proceeded to say, standing at the board as one of the youngsters had (Al joined in without any prompting - great!).
They all seemed to love the idea. And the teacher said I had done very well.
Al, Nelson, Samuel & I went down to the lake, to have a look at it while there was still some daylight. Awesome sights! Check pics.
Showed the Passion on the soccer field. Nelson did very well. At the end, I then pushed him & Samuel to lead the people in prayer themselves. Good training for them! They did an excellent job!
Tues 7th
Left earlier than planned, to go to Xia & Matxia. arrived at Xia to find that the people were waiting for us the previous day. Messages had not gotten through to them, as there is no signal out there. We went to see the church anyway, took photos and spent time there in prayer and discussion with the steward.
On the way I managed to bog Steven's bakkie down a bit in the sand, but got going with only a push - no shovels used!
Alan had been travelling too close behind, and ended stopping in the soft stuff - bogging himself down too. Needed to be pushed out backwards so that he could get a proper run-up. On way back to Matxia neither of us got stuck.I drove the Landy (WHAT FUN!), and Steven drove his bakkie (what a struggle to get the smile off his face!).
Both vehicles really perform way above our expectations. Thank you again Lord for providing just what we needed.
Showed the Passion at Matxia. Large crowd, with some uneasiness, but still well behaved, even when handing out follow-up materials. Thank you Father for this mercy too.
Wed 8th
Must be back in Maputo early - to be able to pick up Martin's temp passport!
Woke up early, packed and said a rather lengthy good bye to Samuel & his family & the helpers at Salamanga. They've been really good to us. We prayed with & over them, then got under way.
My laptop's getting tested in all sorts of ways. I'm busy using it in the vehicle while Alan's driving. It's amazing where one can type (use a laptop). Again, Father, I can just say thank you for enabling me to get this tool.
We popped into Mica (big store) to check for some things, and to have a break. Then got back to the church in time for lunch.
After lunch Nelson, Marius & I went to visit Bishop Mahlalela. Was good to see him and Quiteria again. He's really gotten old since I last saw him, but still wants to be involved with the work once he's regained his strength. I promised to keep him posted via Afonso.
We're now out in Maputo (near Matola), once again showing the Passion - Nelson is doing an amazing job of talking the people thru it and translating the subtitles at the same time! Lord, please continue to empower and encourage him please.
Thurs 9th
Got up 5am, to leave 6am. Hard saying goodbye to Henrique & family - they've treated us so well!
Donata quite upset that we're leaving... not crying, but finding difficulty to smile. She gets so attached to us. She takes a liking to us so easily - not that we do much for her... but she's basically known us most of her life! She gets so excited - as do the boys (twins) - when we arrive. We promised her that we'd make sure Michelle (Paddy) gets the letter she's written, and that we'll make sure Michelle also writes back.
We must actually make sure that we as a team write to her regularly - for encouragement.
Fri 10th
Richards Bay caravan park. No alarms or roosters to wake us! What a pleasure to wake at our leasure. Had a calm breakfast, followed by devotions led by Alan.
I was busy downloading photos, and at the same time getting photos bluetoothed to me from Nelson - only way we could transfer his photos at this point.
Around 11h30 I decided that I needed to also take it easy today. So shut pc down & got ready to go to beach.
Nelson, Chris, Steven & Al came along. Al spent his time on the dunes checking all sorts out via his binocs. The other 4 of us went down onto the sand and had a whale of a time! Started by skipping stones across the waves - only to find that neither Chris nor Nelson had ever done this before.
We ended up spending a large amount of time playing all sorts of variations of a game which we dubbed Wom. Played with a derelict tennis ball and any club or stick which could be found on the beach.
Eventually went over to the swimming area (quite a walk) - and had a great time in the waves. Again a first for Nelson!
I really enjoyed the time with the guys! What a nice way to get to know a bit more about them.
We've been teasing Nelson that we're not going to drop him off in Durban, but that we're taking him home with us. I'd really like for the rest of the Church (especially our ladies) to meet him - what a jewel!
Had a good shower, and the team spent a good bit of time packing all things as best as could be for the trip home. Lots of optimising of space was done - and it's surprising just how little needed to go home with Marius - for later delivery to Uth.
Great job guys! Now to bed - 'cause we get up early tomorrow.
Sat 11th
Got up 2am, and were on the road just short of 3am!
Stopped off by Mom & Dad for breakfast. They really went out of their way. It was good to have a good meal in the tummy for the long trip ahead. Steven & the guys in his bakkie went via Maritzburg to drop Nelson off, and then headed directly across to Kokstad. One way of checking the road out for possible future use.
All had been going well, but Marius informed me that he had a warning light for his handbrake come on. At Port Shepstone we checked the brake fluid level, finding that it was low. Topped it up, and moved off. Had to top it up at least another 3 times up to Kokstad.
Arrived there, and Al & I checked under the bakkie, only to find that the brake cross-over pipe had chaffed against the diff, and was leaking. I cut the pipe, and attempted to crimp it, but ended up with another leak. Al & I shot into town, and found a generic pipe which I then fitted. Topped up the fluid, did a basic bleed of the brakes - and we were on our way again. No further problems all the way home! Thank you Father!
The rest of the trip went well. We made good time. Steven though, was adamant that he was going to drive his own vehicle, and ended up slowing down every now and then. Ticked me off a mite - but with hindsight, I can't hold anything against him - he cares very well for his vehicle, and had some concerns about the manner in which Neil drives.
I was great to get home again, after having said goodbye to Marius in Alexandria.
Father God, to you goes all the Praise, Thanks and Honour. You took us in, took care of us there, and brought us safely back. You pointed us in directions which we weren't really wanting to go (especially myself). I'm convinced that you achieved your purposes with this trip. Thank you again for the privelege of being part of your work. Please let your blessing rest on each one of the people who came to know you and who made recommittments to you. For those who did not respond, I know they're in your hands, and that you are the one who makes the seed grow - it's your Word anyway, and you have said that it will not go out without achieving that which you want it to.
Help us all to move back into this part of our culture and lifestyle again please - and help us to keep your heart in mind. Guide and strengthen each of us please. In Jesus' Name I ask this Dadda. Thank you. I love you. Thank you also for the confirmation which you gave me this morning about your love and forgiveness. I love you!
Snippets from the life of Neville, nicknamed McGyver by his good friend, brother and mentor AJV.
02 August 2009
01 August 2009
I'm back again
As you can see, I'm back on line again!
I hadn't blogged anything since before leaving for Mozambique (Moz for short), and then put the journal on my page.
Well... I'm back, and there's much to be said. I have an idea that a couple of people have been waiting to see what I'm going to put up here.
The main thing I can say is this...
Praise Almighty God!
He is just SOOOO awesome! He is good and gracious - even though we don't always recognise it.
I'm referring to one of the things which happened whilst we were away. The breakdown of one of our vehicles.
You see, I'm one of the team's mechanicals guys. I get my thinking cap on tightly, my hands dirty when things don't want to work anymore. And 2 of us had some serious thinking and working to do, in what would not normally be the most desirable conditions.
One of our bakkies (Pick-up) sheared a locating pin off on the rear axle, causing the axle to move out of position. This caused the bakkie to pull to one side whilst driving, and also resulted in a very unpleasant knock when traversing potholes and the like.
Whilst undertaking emergency repairs, in an attempt to get the bakkie fully mobile again, we also discovered that the differential lock's actuating diaphragm was damaged. This was the culprit that caused one of the rear axle side shafts to shear clean off during the week prior to our departure. Additionally - just to round things off nicely, we found that the leaf spring link shackle bushes were also worn through - just making for more noise and hassles.
And what was good about this lot? Well, just simply that our plans had been to work way south of Maputo City, in the rough, soft terrain of the Maputo Elephant Reserve. This would've left us with serious problems if we had encountered the vehicle's breakdown while out there. As it happened, the Lord had other plans, and certain events caused us to end up in the city of Maputo for the first week. This then allowed us the opportunity to actually get to dealerships and other spares shops for the bits & pieces which were required to repair the bakkie. At the same time, we got the opportunity to visit a number of Churches in the City which we would not have had reason to visit.
This just reminded me of the passage of scripture which says "all things work out to the good of those that love Him".
It's good to trust Him for all things, and also in all things!
I hadn't blogged anything since before leaving for Mozambique (Moz for short), and then put the journal on my page.
Well... I'm back, and there's much to be said. I have an idea that a couple of people have been waiting to see what I'm going to put up here.
The main thing I can say is this...
Praise Almighty God!
He is just SOOOO awesome! He is good and gracious - even though we don't always recognise it.
I'm referring to one of the things which happened whilst we were away. The breakdown of one of our vehicles.
You see, I'm one of the team's mechanicals guys. I get my thinking cap on tightly, my hands dirty when things don't want to work anymore. And 2 of us had some serious thinking and working to do, in what would not normally be the most desirable conditions.
One of our bakkies (Pick-up) sheared a locating pin off on the rear axle, causing the axle to move out of position. This caused the bakkie to pull to one side whilst driving, and also resulted in a very unpleasant knock when traversing potholes and the like.
Whilst undertaking emergency repairs, in an attempt to get the bakkie fully mobile again, we also discovered that the differential lock's actuating diaphragm was damaged. This was the culprit that caused one of the rear axle side shafts to shear clean off during the week prior to our departure. Additionally - just to round things off nicely, we found that the leaf spring link shackle bushes were also worn through - just making for more noise and hassles.
And what was good about this lot? Well, just simply that our plans had been to work way south of Maputo City, in the rough, soft terrain of the Maputo Elephant Reserve. This would've left us with serious problems if we had encountered the vehicle's breakdown while out there. As it happened, the Lord had other plans, and certain events caused us to end up in the city of Maputo for the first week. This then allowed us the opportunity to actually get to dealerships and other spares shops for the bits & pieces which were required to repair the bakkie. At the same time, we got the opportunity to visit a number of Churches in the City which we would not have had reason to visit.
This just reminded me of the passage of scripture which says "all things work out to the good of those that love Him".
It's good to trust Him for all things, and also in all things!
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